College Student Accident Insurance
Accident insurance provides valuable protection to all your students.
Implementing Mandatory Student Accident insurance is an innovative
approach to containing the rising cost of insurance premiums for colleges and universities.
Our plans provide vital accident coverage for students without health insurance while filling in the gaps for those with family plans. Students with health insurance face out-of-pocket responsibility, resulting from higher deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurances. Our plans provide valuable protection to all students and savings to your school.
Student Insurance plans benefit all students, not just athletes. We focus on protecting every enrolled student while providing your school with peace of mind.
Mandatory Student Accident Insurance
Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance
Catastrophic coverage will increase your limits as high as $5,000,000 per injury/accident, with up to a 10-year or Lifetime Benefit Period.
The cost of this coverage is typically nominal and affordable and will benefit the institution and your injured athlete in the event of a catastrophic accident.
Sports like football, rugby, soccer, and lacrosse have very high-risk exposures to the institution. Regardless of athletic association affiliation, you should consider providing coverage for your athletes in case of a catastrophic event.
Student Athlete Insurance Network (S.A.I.N.)
S.A.I.N. brings together our expertise and legacy of providing student and athletic insurance coverage, successfully serving California’s community colleges for over 25 years.
S.A.I.N. provides coverage for injuries suffered by regularly enrolled students while on (or off-campus) participating in approved school and/or district-approved club activities supervised by an insured district staff.
Coverage under the Student Athlete Insurance Network (S.A.I.N.) program extends to children in childcare facilities while parents are enrolled in college.
Limited coverage is extended to "official visitors" to the college who are injured while on the premises.
100% of the Plan treatment is covered and provided by the Anthem Blue Cross Preferred Provider Network (subject to plan deductible).
The plan provides accidental death benefits and dental injury benefits.
Reference must be made to the master contract provided to the college regarding specific limitations for dental, physical therapy treatment, and rental of durable medical equipment.
Membership Benefits
All participating colleges’ claims experiences are pooled together, better-averaging claims with a more stable premium rate structure.
Typically, student and athletic insurance programs base their premium rates on the individual college’s claims experience, accounting for violent swings in premiums from year to year.
The S.A.I.N. program’s effect minimizes rate changes by leveling the experience over a larger number of insured persons.