K-12 Student Accident Insurance

We provide accident coverage to protect students from injuries on-premises or school-related activities. For individual student policies, enroll online below. School administrators seeking group coverage, contact us directly.

Program Highlights

Click to enroll in K-12 student coverage below.

Optional 24-Hour Accident Coverage

Covers injuries around the clock – 24 hours a day.

Optional School Time Accident Coverage

Covers school-sponsored and supervised activities on or off premises.

Optional 24-Hour Accident Coverage Extension

Covers injuries that occur other than during school days and at school-sponsored and supervised activities on or off premises. Extends the School Time coverage that your school has purchased to 24-Hours a day.

Optional Football Coverage

Covers high school interscholastic tackle football (participating with students in grades 10, 11, or 12).

Spring/Summer Weight and Conditioning Training Only

Covers high school interscholastic tackle football players (participating with students in grades 10, 11, or 12) for spring/summer weight and conditioning training.

Optional 24-Hour Dental Coverage

Covers dental injuries due to accidents 24 hours per day with a $25,000 maximum.

Connect with a student healthcare expert to find the right solution for your campus